Even Jacko himself was getting back into his old habits, wearing lots of sequins and studs perhaps in preparation for his come back tour. Below he was seen wearing a piece from the Balmain collection he had unknowingly played muse for.

With the tragic loss of the King of Pop I suspect that in tribute to his greatness, the trend will only grow stronger and more pronounced.
Along with daring rhinestone encrusted civil war jackets, we might see white socks with penny-loafers and black jeans returning, as well as easier to pull-off classic items:
Slightly oversized shades for the eternally shy superstar, like these from Karen Walker Eyewear
Pretty shiny things limited to accessories, instead of an all over look, like this rhinestoned bangle, Balmainesque ssquishy cuff, and spike stretch bracelet
and fedoras, to tip down when moonwalking.
All these looks and more are available at Helianthus, on La Guardia Place and Spring Street!
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